Asclepiadaceae family pdf file

Plants of the family asclepiadaceae are characterized by the presence of a milky juice often poisonous and intraxylary phloem bast. An amalgamation of the two families is therefore recommended. Pdf floral morphological diversity and phylogenetic relationship were studied in the family asclepiadaceae. Asclepiadaceae includes some 250 genera and over 2000 species, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in africa and southern south america, with a moderate representation in northern and southeastern asia. Species of apocynaceae contained within the plant list belong to 402 plant genera. Opinion seems to be divided about segregating periplocaceae from asclepiadaceae. The asclepiadaceae comprise the eightieth order of the natural system of plants. The genus melodinus belongs to family apocynaceae, a large family of a family of flowering plants that in cludes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, commonly called the dogbane family 1. The family asclepiadaceae is commonly known as milk weed family. Asclepiadoideae, the milkweed subfamily of the floweringplant family apocynaceae order gentianales, including more than 214 genera and about 2,400 species of tropical herbs or shrubby climbers, rarely shrubs or trees. Asclepiadaceae definition of asclepiadaceae by merriamwebster. Members of the family asclepiadaceae are unique due to the association of pollen grains that form a. Some plants are ornamental while certain others are of medicinal value.

Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. The milkweeds are perennial herbs, shrubs or rarely trees, usually with acrid, milky juice and opposite or sometimes whorled leaves. The present study documents the traditional knowledge and micropropagation strategies of medicinal plants belonging to family asclepiadaceae with particular. Asclepiadaceae article about asclepiadaceae by the free. Pdf a phylogenetic study of floral morphology of some members. Return to the vascular plant image library entry page or search the library index. Douglas stevens3 herbs, shrubs, or rarely treelike, with milky or, less often, clear latex. Family asclepiadaceae noun the noun family asclepiadaceae has 1 sense 1. The asclepiadaceae are mostly herbs and shrubs with white sap comprising about 250 genera and 2,000 species, many of which are lianous and some of which are cactuslike succulents with reduced leaves. It was formerly treated as its own family asclepiadaceae.

The leaves are simple and nearly always opposite or whorled. Native plant database lady bird johnson wildflower center. The family comprises some 1500 species divided over about 424 genera. Jan, 2019 familia asclepiadaceae pdf by admin in finance apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, the former family asclepiadaceae now known as asclepiadoideae is considered a subfamily of apocynaceae and contains genera. An atlas of the asclepiadaceae 203 temperate members belong to this tribe. They form a group of perennial herbs, twining shrubs, lianas or rarely trees but notably also contain a significant number of leafless stem succulents. They are creeping, climbing, or erect shrubs or subshrubs. Leaves simple, opposite or occasionally whorled, very rarely alternate, usually without. Genera 16 are sometimes placed in a separate family, the periplocaceae, here regarded as a subfamily, periplocoideae. Pdf apocynaceae and asclepiadaceae evaluated researchgate. An atlas of the asclepiadaceae wiley online library. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs alternatively, you can download the pdf file directly to your computer. Results matching familyasclepiadaceae 6 results page 1 of 1 swamp milkweed asclepias incarnata family.

This pretty flower is an erect, clumpforming, missouri native plant which is commonly found in swamps, river bottomlands and wet meadows throughout the state. Herbaceous, milkysapped perennial from an enlarged, woody, often spindleshaped root. A family with 175180 genera and 2200 species willis, dict. As per apg ii, family asclepiadaceae is now treated as a subfamily. Aug 02, 2019 familia asclepiadaceae pdf apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, the former family asclepiadaceae now known as dier pdf dier pdf august 2, 2019. Family asclepiadaceae noun the noun family asclepiadaceae has 1 sense. Family overview the gentianales asclepiadaceae the milkweed family. Mostly perennial herbs, including many scandent types and some stem succulents similar to those found in the cactaceae and euphorbia, with some shrubs and, rarely, trees. A relatively short time later a part of the family was separated into a new family, the. Medicinal plants are being widely used, either as single drug or in combination in health care delivery system. Asclepiadaceae milkweed, a family of dicotyledonous plants. Download fulltext pdf asclepiadaceae article pdf available in bothalia african biodiversity and conservation 232 december 1993 with 125 reads. Members of the family are native to the european, asian, african, australian, and american tropics or subtropics, with some temperate members.

A relatively short time later a part of the family was separated into a new family, the asclepiadaceae, by brown 1810a as asclepiadeae. Asclepiad definition of asclepiad by the free dictionary. Lady bird johnson wildflower center focused on protecting and preserving north americas native plants through native plant lists and image galleries, conservation, education, natural landscapes, seed collection millennium seed bank msb project, preserving and restoring native communities, spreading awareness on invasive species and gardening to attract wildlife. Asclepiadoideae swamp milkweed, rose milkweed, swamp silkweed origin. Asclepiadoideae article about asclepiadoideae by the. The asteridae family overview the gentianales asclepiadaceae the milkweed family. According to apg ii, the asclepiadaceae, commonly known as milkweed family, is a former plant family now treated as a subfamily subfamily asclepiadoideae in the apocynaceae bruyns 2000 they form a group of perennial herbs, twining shrubs, lianas or rarely trees but notably also contain a significant number of leafless stem succulents. Stamens 5, usually inserted at base of corolla tube and adhering to stigma head to form gynostegium. The name, which was bestowed upon a genus of this order, was given in honor of aesculapius, or asklepios whose priests or fabled descendants were known as the asklepiads or priestphysicians and who served the god of. Asclepiadaceae milkweed family 5 sepals and petals genus asclepias has the complex milkweedtype flower in umbels with follicles fruit pods. We started out as wildflowers from the bicycle trails of western pennsylvania, but weve grown.

Systematic classification of asclepiadaceae, gamopetalae, bicarpellate. Familia asclepiadaceae pdf apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, the former family asclepiadaceae now known as dier pdf dier pdf august 2, 2019. Asclepiadaceae definition of asclepiadaceae by the free. The familial and subfamilial relationships of apocynaceae. Genera 710 belong to the secamonoideae and the remaining genera to the asclepiadoideae.

Asclepias davisii woodson davis milkweed asclepiadaceae milkweed family status. The plant list includes 18,497 scientific plant names of species rank for the family apocynaceae. Asclepiadaceae plants of the milkweed familynow considered a subfamily of the dogbane family. A revised classification of the apocynaceae sl core. Some authorities include this family in the apocynaceae.

Dicotyledons the plants concerned make up the family asclepiadaceae as. Leaves simple, opposite or occasionally whorled, very rarely alternate, usually without obvious stipules, margin nearly always entire. This page was last edited on 24 january 2018, at 08. Vernakakatundithis is a perennial herb or a small shrub. Family asclepiadaceae synonyms, family asclepiadaceae. For corrections or comments relating to specific images, please contact image contributors. Asclepiadaceae synonyms, asclepiadaceae pronunciation, asclepiadaceae translation, english dictionary definition of asclepiadaceae. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Asclepiadaceae definition is a widely distributed family of herbs or shrubs order gentianales mostly with milky juice and with umbellate flowers that have a. According to apg ii, the asclepiadaceae, commonly known as milkweed family, is a former plant family now treated as a subfamily subfamily asclepiadoideae in the apocynaceae bruyns 2000. Here we again assess the relationship between the apocynaceae and the asclepiadaceae, and we present our arguments for the recognition of a single family. The name comes from the type genus asclepias milkweeds.

Asclepiadoideae article about asclepiadoideae by the free. Synonyms for family asclepiadaceae in free thesaurus. Genera cynanchum, matelea and gonolobus have deeply 5lobed flowers also with follicles fruit pods. In includes 320 genera and 2,000 species of world wide distribution, but mostly confined to tropics and subtropics. The flowers are bisexual and regular, typically grouped in clusters. Members of the family are native to the european, asian, african, australian, and american tropics or subtropics, with. Inflorescence structure in the familyasclepiadaceae, particularly in the subfamilyasclepiadoideae, is elucidated using the methodology and terminology of the school ofw. There are approximately 290 genera 2,000 species, distributed primarily in tropical regions. In india 332 species belonging to 35 genera are found. General characters, distribution, important plants. Asclepiadaceae starts with and ends with a vowel with the starting letters a, as, asc, ascl, ascle, and the ending characters are e, ae, eae, ceae, aceae, definition widely distributed family of herbs and shrubs of the order gentianales. This page was machinegenerated by the program imao1. Asclepiadaceae definition of asclepiadaceae by merriam.

Papaveraceae is renowned worldwide for its beautiful and useful plants the family is mainly in the northern hemisphere with numerous species in eastern asia as well as western north america, including california the family is noted for its alkaloids and opiates, which are widely used in medicine as well as misused as narcotics. Apocynaceae from apocynum, greek for dogaway is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, commonly known as the dogbane family, because some taxa were used as dog poison. Asclepias curassavica l scarlet milkweed, bloodflower, silkweed, butterfly weed. The family comprised genera later included in the asclepiadaceae or in the loganiaceae. The morphological diversification of pollinia of some members. Asclepiadoideae, formerly asclepiadaceae, the milkweed subfamily of the floweringplant family apocynaceae order gentianales, including more than 214 genera and about 2,400 species of tropical herbs or shrubby climbers, rarely shrubs or trees. Asclepiadaceae definition is a widely distributed family of herbs or shrubs order gentianales mostly with milky juice and with umbellate flowers that have a prominent corona between corolla and stamens. The morphological diversification of pollinia of some. Asclepiadaceae inflorescences are principally thyrsoid systems, with variability resulting from different degrees of reduction of dichasial paracladia to bostryces, sciadioids.

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